Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday 6/28 Bench (1) Intensity Week 2

Warmup-  Foam Roll / Hip Flexor Mob/ Rib Roll / Tspine Ext with roller between knees
YTWL - 12x2 sets  /   Band Pull Aparts x 20

Bench (Touch and Go)  -  Up to 285x3 @ 9 RPE  Then 2 down sets of 270x3
Close Grip Incline -  Up to 215x3 @ 9RPE  Then   205x3x3 sets
DB Military:  50x8 @ 8;  55x8x3 sets at 9


CSR:  2 plates x 12,12,10,8   Wow this needs to come up
DB Rear Delts -  15x10x3 sets
DB Curls- 30x10x2; 25x10x1

Good day.. 285x3 is a definite PR at this bodyweight. 215x2 ties my all time pr CG Incline. Even as weight is going down strength is holding if not progressing.  I've learned to back off assistance when in an Intensity phase.I need some manual therapy on my shoulder/neck.. Hips are rollin' now but at a sticking point with shoulder/tspine mob.

Monday, June 27, 2011

6/26/11 Squat Intensity Week 2

Foam Roll- AIS Straight Leg Raise-  ASLR w/ core engagement-   SL Bridge x12* - XBand Walkx20

Squat-  350x3 @ 9 RPE x 3 sets
Goodmornings-   185x5x5 sets @ RPE
RFESS- 40sx8x3 sets

Chops and Lifts-- 25lbx 10 x 2 sets
Side Plank-- 15 breaths x 2 sets
Blast Strap Fallouts x12 x 2 sets

*This was at a bodyweight of 185 which is pretty good for me. Also I think I've finally started to have a breakthrough on how to keep my abs pushed out but not clenched down which I'm finding to be unnecessary. I actually got it rolling with good mornings and the weight just started to fly. Not that 185 is impressive but it was night and day.

I'm in the process of finding a meet and then I will consider how I want to plan as it will be my 1st raw meet.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Deadlift 6/23/11 Intensity Week 1

I'm going to make a real effort to keep a log of this stuff on here. So here it goes.

This was Day 3 Week 1 of an Intensity Block.I'm not going to bother posting the other two workouts.

Warmup:  Foam Rolling and Lax Ball Work;  AIS For Hip Flexors, ADDuctors and Hamstrings And Pigeon.  Pigeon is performed without a rope but you simply rotate IN to the glue on stretch by your own control then press a tad further by twisting on the support surface into the glute.  And Weingroff extension with roller between legs.

Dynamic: Squat to Stand: Reverse Lunge w/ Rotation;  Single Leg Bridge; X-Band Walk.  20kg swingx20

A1) Deadlift:  Worked up to 470x2 @10  then did 3 sets of 445x2@9..  Strength finally coming around with better technique.

B1) Front Squat:   235x4sets @9

C1) KB Swing: 28kgx  35,20,20   (Experimenting with higher rep swings)

D1) 1/2 Kneeling Chop/Lift circuit
D2) Strict hanging 1 leg raises x  10,8,8

Happy with this workout. In the next month i'll be investing in a Deadlift bar because the one I have now is super stiff and has no play to it whatsoever. Progress none the less..

Finished with AIS for Hip flexors/adductors/ and Hamstrings.