Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday 6/28 Bench (1) Intensity Week 2

Warmup-  Foam Roll / Hip Flexor Mob/ Rib Roll / Tspine Ext with roller between knees
YTWL - 12x2 sets  /   Band Pull Aparts x 20

Bench (Touch and Go)  -  Up to 285x3 @ 9 RPE  Then 2 down sets of 270x3
Close Grip Incline -  Up to 215x3 @ 9RPE  Then   205x3x3 sets
DB Military:  50x8 @ 8;  55x8x3 sets at 9


CSR:  2 plates x 12,12,10,8   Wow this needs to come up
DB Rear Delts -  15x10x3 sets
DB Curls- 30x10x2; 25x10x1

Good day.. 285x3 is a definite PR at this bodyweight. 215x2 ties my all time pr CG Incline. Even as weight is going down strength is holding if not progressing.  I've learned to back off assistance when in an Intensity phase.I need some manual therapy on my shoulder/neck.. Hips are rollin' now but at a sticking point with shoulder/tspine mob.

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