I'm going to make a real effort to keep a log of this stuff on here. So here it goes.
This was Day 3 Week 1 of an Intensity Block.I'm not going to bother posting the other two workouts.
Warmup: Foam Rolling and Lax Ball Work; AIS For Hip Flexors, ADDuctors and Hamstrings And Pigeon. Pigeon is performed without a rope but you simply rotate IN to the glue on stretch by your own control then press a tad further by twisting on the support surface into the glute. And Weingroff extension with roller between legs.
Dynamic: Squat to Stand: Reverse Lunge w/ Rotation; Single Leg Bridge; X-Band Walk. 20kg swingx20
A1) Deadlift: Worked up to 470x2 @10 then did 3 sets of 445x2@9.. Strength finally coming around with better technique.
B1) Front Squat: 235x4sets @9
C1) KB Swing: 28kgx 35,20,20 (Experimenting with higher rep swings)
D1) 1/2 Kneeling Chop/Lift circuit
D2) Strict hanging 1 leg raises x 10,8,8
Happy with this workout. In the next month i'll be investing in a Deadlift bar because the one I have now is super stiff and has no play to it whatsoever. Progress none the less..
Finished with AIS for Hip flexors/adductors/ and Hamstrings.
Good stuff Brian. Dead is looking strong. I have definitely noticed that a bar with whip in it is a little easier then my stiff piece of crap bar. Excited to see where I'd be with a whippy bar. Where ya training at? still at your uncle's?