Thursday, July 7, 2011

7/7/11 Deadlift

Warmup:  Foam Roll/ Lax Ball... AIS Hip Flexors.. Prone Press up..Modified QPTER...
Downward dog into spiderman lunge x6*;  Cradle Walk;

KB Arm Bar 14kgx Time I don't remember
Bridges x20
X-Band walk x 20*

Deadlift-   Up to 515x1 @9 and stopped there.  Feeling really good. End of last cycle did 505x1 @ 9 so we're heading in the right direction. Still think I'm good for 560-575 with a decent bar and a radio.

Front Squat-  225x1; 265x1 295x1;   315x.....Fail. Didn't keep air after on racking it.. tried to recover it before starting but wasn't able to and got skwaaashed. Should be good for a ride next time with some better jumps.

Plank/ Side Plank/ Woodchops... Straight Arm Plank on Ball with Hip Flexion..
Finished with 3 round of that.

Drove down to the local school and did 10 hill sprints.

This marks the end of the Intensity Block for me and I'll be making some training changes in the coming weeks.  I'll be going back to an Accumulation phase with the focus being to put on some more size. Intensity on main lifts will be Submaximal while volume/ intensity of assistance lifts will be pretty high. I'll look to set some modest rep PR's during these 8 weeks but nothing to crazy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pressing the reset button.

On Friday I was fortunate enough to catch a session with Charlie Weingroff DPT.  In the past I was having some serious hip pain that was not allowing me to squat and deadlift to the level that I wanted. I had tried pretty much everything; ART/ Foam Rolling/ Corrective work etc. 2 sessions with Charlie and I was not only pain free but I was back to squatting the next week while continuing with the corrective work he gave me.

I was instantly sold and began devouring any and all books/authors he had mentioned. Sahrmann, Liebenson, Nickelston, Janda.. etc. I'm still working on this list. I also had to try to figure out what the hell he was doing to me because it was not anything like anything I had ever seen or heard of.  (Read DNS)

I'd been feeling a bit off lately with my bench  and noticed that I was having a hard time rotating my head to my right. I had no pain but I know that it's better to cut these things off when they start as they will surely escalate to pain eventually.

15-20 minutes of treatment which consisted mostly of dry needling  and my neck turned and folded right over. I know this may sound like I'm making a big deal out of something so small but until you feel such a DRASTIC difference in something like that in such a short time it's hard to understand  the almost hesitation you get to even use what you've just been given. We then proceeded to stabilize the new mobility and spent the rest of the time on some T-spine drills.

Here are a list of the unexpected outcomes of my training that followed:
Side Planks:  Normally 30 sec difference on each side.. Held 90sec each side and stopped there.
Bench: 320x1..  20lb pr at BW of 188.
Close Grip Incline:  220lbs 3 sets of 3.   Started 2 weeks ago with 220x2 for a max.

I'm not saying that all of these are directly from the manual therapy but I didn't feel uneven in any of my set ups and for sure it didnt' hurt.

So my point of this entire rant is not to just talk up Charlie but to stress the importance of finding a skilled manual therapist. My top two that I am lucky enough to have in my network are Charlie Weingroff  DPT and Perry Nickelston DC.  Sometimes you can have all the knowledge of what you need to be working on which in my case is T-Spine mobility but you can be spinning your wheels if there are specific restrictions that are keeping you from being in the right place.

For any powerlifting struggling with nagging pain and or mobility  in the NJ area I'd highly recommend making your way to one of these guys doorsteps.

Training Catch Up

Sunday 7/3  Week 3 Intensity Block

Day 1-  Squat. Worked up to 405x1 with just a belt and called it there.  Core is still weak and my next block will be focused on adding some volume to my lower body work. This will not include leg pressing. I want Ben Bruno single leg skills.

Goodmornings- 195x6x4 sets
Chops/Lifts Planks

Note: I've had a decent difference in my Side Planks for sometime. While it was not my intent of the visit I had a sessions with Charlie Weingroff on Friday and magically all my core exercise felt different. More on this later.

Day 2- Bench  7/5

Bench-  Up to 320x1 ... Down and did 2 singles then 305.
Close Grip Incline-  220x3x3sets  (PR)
DB Military - 55x10/10/8   35x15
CSR- 4 sets 8
1 Arm PD-  60x10x3 sets
DB Rev Fly - 20x12x3

This was a decent day. Best bench at a lighter body weight and my best raw ever is 335. Things are moving in the right direction.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday 6/28 Bench (1) Intensity Week 2

Warmup-  Foam Roll / Hip Flexor Mob/ Rib Roll / Tspine Ext with roller between knees
YTWL - 12x2 sets  /   Band Pull Aparts x 20

Bench (Touch and Go)  -  Up to 285x3 @ 9 RPE  Then 2 down sets of 270x3
Close Grip Incline -  Up to 215x3 @ 9RPE  Then   205x3x3 sets
DB Military:  50x8 @ 8;  55x8x3 sets at 9


CSR:  2 plates x 12,12,10,8   Wow this needs to come up
DB Rear Delts -  15x10x3 sets
DB Curls- 30x10x2; 25x10x1

Good day.. 285x3 is a definite PR at this bodyweight. 215x2 ties my all time pr CG Incline. Even as weight is going down strength is holding if not progressing.  I've learned to back off assistance when in an Intensity phase.I need some manual therapy on my shoulder/neck.. Hips are rollin' now but at a sticking point with shoulder/tspine mob.

Monday, June 27, 2011

6/26/11 Squat Intensity Week 2

Foam Roll- AIS Straight Leg Raise-  ASLR w/ core engagement-   SL Bridge x12* - XBand Walkx20

Squat-  350x3 @ 9 RPE x 3 sets
Goodmornings-   185x5x5 sets @ RPE
RFESS- 40sx8x3 sets

Chops and Lifts-- 25lbx 10 x 2 sets
Side Plank-- 15 breaths x 2 sets
Blast Strap Fallouts x12 x 2 sets

*This was at a bodyweight of 185 which is pretty good for me. Also I think I've finally started to have a breakthrough on how to keep my abs pushed out but not clenched down which I'm finding to be unnecessary. I actually got it rolling with good mornings and the weight just started to fly. Not that 185 is impressive but it was night and day.

I'm in the process of finding a meet and then I will consider how I want to plan as it will be my 1st raw meet.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Deadlift 6/23/11 Intensity Week 1

I'm going to make a real effort to keep a log of this stuff on here. So here it goes.

This was Day 3 Week 1 of an Intensity Block.I'm not going to bother posting the other two workouts.

Warmup:  Foam Rolling and Lax Ball Work;  AIS For Hip Flexors, ADDuctors and Hamstrings And Pigeon.  Pigeon is performed without a rope but you simply rotate IN to the glue on stretch by your own control then press a tad further by twisting on the support surface into the glute.  And Weingroff extension with roller between legs.

Dynamic: Squat to Stand: Reverse Lunge w/ Rotation;  Single Leg Bridge; X-Band Walk.  20kg swingx20

A1) Deadlift:  Worked up to 470x2 @10  then did 3 sets of 445x2@9..  Strength finally coming around with better technique.

B1) Front Squat:   235x4sets @9

C1) KB Swing: 28kgx  35,20,20   (Experimenting with higher rep swings)

D1) 1/2 Kneeling Chop/Lift circuit
D2) Strict hanging 1 leg raises x  10,8,8

Happy with this workout. In the next month i'll be investing in a Deadlift bar because the one I have now is super stiff and has no play to it whatsoever. Progress none the less..

Finished with AIS for Hip flexors/adductors/ and Hamstrings.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Screen first THEN Assess... FMS comes FIRST!

I was going through my usual round of blog and newsletter reading this week and came across and interesting back and forth between strength coaches Eric Cressey and Nick Tumminello on the topic on assessments.  Let me preface the rest of this blog by saying that this is not meant to criticize either for the following reasons.

1. They both know what the hell they are doing.
2. I've learned more valuable information from them for free than I could ever imagine.
3. I'm sure they don't care what I say or think... yet.

Coach Tumminello first stated that “Everyone is talking about assessments (and that’s cool). But, no one seems to talking about simply not allowing poor form in training. If you can’t keep good form in a certain exercise (movement pattern), simply don’t do that exercise until you’ve improved the movement or decided that you’re simply not built for it to begin with. Not sure why things need be any more complicated than that!”

I couldn't agree more with this statement.. Too often  trainers and coaches allow form that is not only sub-par but just hideous. Like lifting with a flexed lumbar spine.. However I don't think it's wise to just start coaching a movement without knowing whether or not it's even something the client should be doing or has the capability of doing. For example if someone is ASLR 1-3 .. This person is NOT deadlifting in my program for them... YET.   I can tell them to push their hips back and coach them to death and it ain't happenin'. However if it takes me more than 2 or 3 sessions to correct that and get them deadlifing,  than I'm not doing my job properly.

This statement got taken WAYY out of context to the point people were assuming we should only just jump right into exercise with clients... and  that Nick was saying dont' assess at all.

Eric correctly points out in this blog that this is definitely not the case and that he believes there are plenty of instances where you should do a thorough assessment first.  He also point to a specific "case study" if you will where "someone can have crazy short hip flexors and still manage a perfect squat pattern because his stiffness at adjacent joints is outstanding. If I don’t assess him in the first place and just assume that he squats well, I’m just waiting for him to strain a rectus femoris during sprinting or any of a number of other activities. Gross movement in a strength and conditioning program wouldn’t tell me anything about this individual, but targeted assessments would."

Here's where I think most fitness professional make the mistake is that they WOULD stop there and not check anything else. Now again not to take what Eric is saying out of context because if you have seen the DVD Assess and Correct you know he is doing a VERY detailed assessment on clients and athletes, I think we should start with screenings and THEN move to assessments.

Those that know me know I prefer the movement based approach to screening that is used in the FMS.  I also believe this is a perfect example of how for even a trainer in a commercial gym the FMS can save you a lot of time and effort and direct you where to go. Although he nailed a deep overhead squat here is what Eric's client looked like in Thomas Test...

No way this guy is getting past a 1 on the Hurdle Step or the In Line Lunge looking like that.  Depending  on the rest of the score of his FMS you could then shortcut a lot of steps and jump right to Thomas and FABER...etc to give you a better idea of where to go.

It's important to remember that the FMS is NOT a diagnostic tool or an assessment. It is exactly what it is labeled, a screen.  Getting back to both Eric and Nick's points I think the FMS is the perfect solution to both statements. It keeps it fairly simple as Nick is stating is needed and also if used properly won't let a guy like this slip through without finding a fairly obvious problem.

As Gray Cook states we want this to be "as simple as possibly, but not any simpler."  My recommendation to fitness professionals out there is NOT to worry about doing every single orthopedic assessment known to man. Use the FMS, assess any movement patterns that screen as dysfunctional using whatever skill set you have, and then move on. In short here's my prescription..

Screen--->Assess (If needed)---> Correct---> Re-Screen---> Train to maintain/strengthen that movement pattern.

Monday, March 28, 2011

3/27/11 Squat Volume Week 1

Warmup/MovePrep:    Rib Roll; ASLR w/Tubing; "warrior" lunges; Dropstep/Side Lunge

1. Squat- 315x5 no belt;  350x5 @ 9 RPE  then down to 330x5x 1 set
2. Goodmornings;   165x6x4 sets  (no belt)
3a) Bulgarians 3 sets 8*  35lbs
3b) Ab Wheel   3 sets until breathing pattern changed
3c) Side Plank  3 sets until breathign changed
3d) Pull Throughs   3 sets 12 @100lbs I think..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Deadlift Intensity Week 1

Warmed up with Foam Rolling. ASLR. Coreboard Hurdle Step Corrections. 

Deadlift - up to 405x2 No Belt;  Add Belt 455x2 @8 RPE ; 500x2 @9.5 RPE
Front Squats- 225x3 No Belt...Put belt on and did 3x3 at 225 @8
Walking Lunges - 40lb db's x8*x3 sets
AB Wheel and Side Plank to Finish.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3/1 Intensity Bench Week 1

Warmup-  Foam Roll/ASLR/  CW Thoracic Ext/  Wall Slide/ Band Pull Apart Series

1A)  Bench-  Up to 300x2; then 285x2x2  All RPE's at 9
2A)  Incline Bench- 90's x 6x 4 sets
2B)  Pullup-  +25lbsx 5x5
3A) Close grip seated row-   160x8x4sets
3B) KB Arm Bar- 35lbs

Moving right along..

2-28 Intensity Week 1 Squat

Warmup... Foam Roll/ QPTER/ ASLR/ Walking Lunge w/Rotation / Cradle Walk / Core Board Squat Progression...

Squat-  385x2 @9RPE;  405x2 @9.5RPE ;  385x2x2 @9RPE
Snatch Grip Deads-  UP to 405x2 no belt @ 9RPE;  435x2x2 (Belt @9RPE)
RFESS-  50's x6 x4 sets
Circuit--- Landmines.. Circle Plank on Ball... Suitcase deadlift

This template has worked well and I plan on sticking with it for the long haul.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bench 2-8-11

Warmup: Foam Roll Lats/Upperback ; Lax Ball to pecs and Lev Scap/Rhomboids.   TYWL's, Band Pull Aparts. Bottoms up KB holds for 30sec.

1A)Bench: up to 275x4 @ RPE 9 Then 260x4x4sets @RPE 9
2A)Close Grip Incline: 205x4 @ RPE 3 Then 195x4x5sets
3A)DB Rows:  105x12,10,10,10
3B) Band Pushdowns: Bunch
4A) Facepulls: 90x12x3sets
4B) Hammer Curls: 30x10x3 sets

Getting there.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Volume Week 1 Day 1 Squat

Warmup-  Foam Roll, Lax Ball,  QPTER, ASLR (Doorway), 2Joint RectFem Stretch, XBand Walk, Leg Swings...

1.Squat Raw No Belt-  up to 305x6 @RPE 9  Then 290x6x3 sets @RPE 8
2.Speed Deads- 225x2x7 sets RPE @7
3A)Single Leg Squat ON (not to) Box-  BWx 8x4 sets
3B) Pull Throughs - 120x12x4sets
4A)TRX Fallouts
4B) TRX Side Plank    

Conditioning... Snatches 16kgx 10,10,9,9,8,8,7,7,6,6,5,5,5,5= 100                            

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bench 1/25/11

Warmup-- Foam Roll; Pec Minor Mob;  Lacrosse Ball Int/Ext Rotation and Subscap; Wall Slides; TYWL; Band Pull Aparts;  Wrist Prep from Joe Hashey.

1A)Bench- 225x5; 240x5; 255x7 @ RPE 9
2A)Close Grip Incline: 205x3x4sets @ RPE 9
3A)Chins: +30lbs x5x5
3B) Pushups: BWx20x3
4A) Seated Neutral Row: 140x12x3sets
4B) Rolling DB Extensions: 40x12x3 sets

Been crazy busy with work and it's no excuse.. making steady progress again and it's all I can ask for.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Squat Training 1/23/11

Warmup- Foam Roll... Hip Mobility from Assess and Correct.. ASLR, QPTER, Weingroff Thoracic Ext,  XBand Walk and Lower Body Rolling.

A1)Squat-  265x5; 285x5; 305x5   No belt.
B1)DB RDL-  85's x 12 x 4 sets
C1) Front Foot elevated Bulgarian Split Squat 20lb  DB's x8x 3 sets
Various core work.... 3 Rounds of.
Ab Dolly
TRX Bodysaw
KB Windmills
Side Plank with Thoracic Rotations.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Weak Shoulders 1-22-11

Warmup:  Foam Roll; Rolling Patterns; Lat Stretch; QPTER; Weingroff TE; Boyle Thoracic Mob; TYWL;

A1)Standing Military: 95x8x2sets 115x8x3sets
B1) DB Bench: 80x10x4 sets
B2) Shoulder Width Pull up: BWx 8,8,6,6
C1) Seated Neutral Row 140x12x3 sets
C2) DB Extension:  30x12x3sets

Overhead pressing has to get better. That's awful.

Clients all day Saturday with a visit to 10th ave Burrito. Up early to squat on Sunday then program writing and football.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

1-20-11 Deadlift Training

Warmup- FRIA; Lower Body Rolling Patterns, ASLR, QPTER, Weingroff Thoracic Extension (Lack of better description lol); Standing hip swings front side, XBand Walks.

A. Deadlift- 370x3; 390x3; 415x7 RPE9
B. Front Squat- 185x6x4
C1. DB Walking Lunge x35'sx8*x3 sets
C2. Plank on Ball - 45 second x 3 sets
D1) Side Plank- 10 breaths x 3 sets

*Awful at Front Squats...Single Leg strength is a struggle as well but overall good progress.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bench 1/18/11

Warmup-    Foam Roll; Lat Stretch; Pec Minor Mob; S/L Shoulder Mob; Rib Roll; TYWL; Scap Wall Slide;   (I'm amazingly aweful at the last 3)

A1) Bench:  235x3;  250x3; 265x6 RPE 9
B1) Close Grip Incline:  185x6x4  @ RPE 8.5-9
B2) Chins: BW+25lb x6 x4 sets
C1) Chest Supp Row (Upper back emphasis): 2 platesx10x4 sets
C2) Close Grip Pushup: 4-1-1 Tempo   BWx15x4
D1) Zottman Curls: 25lbx 12 ; x10; x10

5lb PR from last wave though pushed the RPE higher than I wanted to. BW @ 192.5 this morning.

Squat Training 1-18-11

Foam Roll; Hip Flexor Mob; Quadruped Thoracic Ext/Rot; Boyle seated T-Spine Mob; Standing Leg Swings; X-Band Walk x15

A1) Squat- 295x3; 305x3; 325x6 RPE 8
B1) DB RDL's- 80's x 12x4sets
C1) Offset KB Bulgarians 35lbsx10*x3 sets
C2) Ab Wheel xBWx 10x 3 sets
D1) Side Plankx 8 breathsx 3 sets
D2) Reverse Crunch x 10x 3 sets

Workout went well. reps were easy and all the mobility / corrective fixes are really paying off.  Bench tomorrow.